SFI-5838 - Mecânica Estatística Avançada
1º semestre de 2018


O cronograma não é definitivo. Ele pode (e vai!) ser alterado ao longo do curso.

01 05/03 Basic concepts on Phase Transitions; Yang-Lee theory of PTs (PT-basics.pdf)
02 09/03 Transfer matrix in 1D; High-T expansion (Ising.pdf)
03 12/03 Transfer matrix in 2D; Low-T expansion; Duality transformation
04 16/03 Singular behavior of the 2D Ising model; Quantum-classical mapping (path-integral.pdf)
05 19/03 Quantum-classical mapping; Jordan-Wigner transformation
06 23/03 Jordan-Wigner transformation; 1D transverse-field Ising model
 07 26/03 Mean field: Weiss' theory of ferromagnetism (all-MF.pdf)
  30/03 Não haverá aula (Paixão de Cristo)
08 02/04 Landau theory (mean field and the thermodynamics of continuous transitions)
09 06/04 Landau theory (discontinuous transitions, correlation function and Higgs and Goldstone modes)
10 09/04 Landau theory (the lower critical dimension and the Mermin-Wagner theorem, the upper critical dimension and the Ginzburg criterion)
11 13/04 Mean-field applications: Potts model, Ising AFM, liquid-gas transition
12 16/04 Scaling theory (ST.pdf)
13 20/04 Renormalization group: formal theory, basic concepts, RG flow, origin of scaling theory (RG.pdf)
14 23/04 Renormalization group: origin of scaling theory, critical exponents, application to the 1D Ising model
15 27/04 Renormalization group: application to the 2D Ising model
16 30/04 Renormalization group: 2D Ising model; 1st order PT: discontinuity fixed points
17 04/05 Crossover phenomena
  07/05 Não haverá aula (Encontro SBF)
  11/05 Não haverá aula (Encontro SBF)
18 14/05 Corrections to scaling; Dangerous irrelevant operators; RG for the Gaussian model
19 18/05 Gaussian model and mean-field exponents
20 21/05 The epsilon-expansion
21 25/05 The epsilon-expansion
22 28/05 Finite-size scaling and Monte Carlo simulations (FSS-MC.pdf)
23 01/06 General discussions
24 04/06 General discussions
25 08/06 General discussions
26 11/06 General discussions
27 15/06 Presentations (Consoli)
28 18/06 Presentations (Miranda)
29 22/06 Presentations (Getelina)