
Attilio Cucchieri and Tereza Mendes
attilio@if.sc.usp.br, mendes@if.sc.usp.br

IFSC - São Paulo University (USP)

Publications (SPIRES HEP): Attilio, Tereza


FAPESP ``Jovem Pesquisador'' Project:

Large-Scale Numerical Simulations in
Lattice Gauge Theories and Statistical Mechanics

We study fundamental aspects of the strong interaction between hadrons - such as color confinement, asymptotic freedom, the running coupling constant and the deconfining transition at finite temperature - by means of large-scale numerical simulations. These simulations are carried out using Monte Carlo methods, applied to the lattice formulation of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). In order to reduce computational costs, we consider mostly the pure-SU(2)-gauge case. In particular, we propose a new study of the running coupling constant (based on the evaluation of gluon and ghost propagators) that will provide a more efficient way of investigating the infrared properties of the theory. As part of this study, we will make a complete analysis of methods for the elimination of the Gribov ambiguity. Finally, we plan a study of lattice gauge theories at finite temperature, investigating aspects of the deconfining transition through finite-size-scaling techniques, and properties of the deconfined phase at high temperatures, which is characterized by the generation of screening masses for the gluonic field. These studies are intimately connected with topics in statistical mechanics, such as spin glasses, critical properties of n-vector models in two and three dimensions, and percolation. Our simulations are carried out on a PC cluster (photo). The group has available post-doc positions (renewable for up to three years) and PhD studentships, subject to approval of the candidate by the funding agency FAPESP.