Café com Física



30 de outubro de 2019
Sala F-149

Paulo A. Faria da Veiga

On Thermodynamic and Ultraviolet Stability of Yang-Mills

We prove thermodynamic and ultraviolet stable stability bounds for the pure Yang-Mills relativistic quantum theory in an imaginary-time, functional integral formulation. We consider the gauge groups G=U(N), SU(N) and let d(N) denote their Lie algebra dimensions. We start with a finite hypercubic lattice \Lambda\subset aZ^d$, d=2,3,4$, a\in(0,1], L\in\mathbb N sites on a side, and with free boundary conditions. The Wilson partition function Z_{\Lambda,a}\equiv Z_{\Lambda,a,g^2,d} is used, where the action is a sum over gauge-invariant plaquette actions with a pre-factor (a^{d-4}/g^2), where g^2\in(0,g_0^2], 0<g_0<\infty, defines the gauge coupling. Each plaquette action is pointwise positive. Formally, in the continuum limit a\searrow 0, this action gives the well-known Yang-Mills action. Either by using the positivity property and neglecting some of the plaquette actions or by fixing an enhanced temporal gauge, which involves gauging away the bond variables belonging to a maximal tree in \Lambda, and which does not alter the value of Z_{\Lambda,a}, we retain only \Lambda_r bond variables. \Lambda_r is of order [(d-1)L^d], for large L.
We prove that the normalized partition function Z^n_{\Lambda,a}=
(a^{(d-4)}/g^2)^{d(N)\Lambda_r/2} Z_{\Lambda,a}$ satisfies the stability bounds
e^{c_\ell d(N)\Lambda_r}\leq Z^n_{\Lambda,a}\leq e^{c_ud(N)\Lambda_r}, with finite c_\ell,\,c_u\in\mathbb R independent of L, the lattice spacing 'a' and g^2.
In other words, we have extracted the exact singular behavior of the finite lattice free-energy in the continuum limit 'a' goes to zero. For the normalized free energy f_{\Lambda,a}^n=[d(N)\,\Lambda_r]^{-1}\,\ln Z^n_{\Lambda,a}, our stability bounds imply, at least in the sense of subsequences, that a finite thermodynamic limit f^n_a\equiv\lim_{\Lambda\nearrow a\mathbb Z^d} f_{\Lambda,a}^n exists. Subsequently, a subsequential finite continuum limit f^n\equiv \lim_{a\searrow 0}f^n_a also exists.