coffee art

Café com Física

coffee art

10:30 hrs
Sala F-210

Eric de Castro e Andrade
Instituto de Física
Universidade de São Paulo

Low-energy excitations in the disordered Kitaev spin-liquid

The Kitaev model is a fascinating example of an exactly solvable model displaying a spin-liquid ground state in two dimensions. However, deviations from the original Kitaev model are expected to appear in real materials. In this work, we investigate the fate of Kitaev's spin-liquid in the presence of disorder -- bond defects or vacancies -- for an extended version of the model. Considering static flux backgrounds, we observe a power-law divergence in the low-energy limit of the density of states with a non-universal exponent. We link this power-law distribution of energy scales to weakly coupled droplets inside the bulk, in an uncanny similarity to the Griffiths phase often present in the vicinity of disordered quantum phase transitions. If time-reversal symmetry is broken, we find that power-law singularities are tied to the destruction of the topological phase of the Kitaev model in the presence of bond disorder alone. However, there is a transition from this topologically trivial phase with power-law singularities to a topologically non-trivial one for weak to moderate site dilution. Therefore, diluted Kitaev materials are potential candidates to host Kitaev's chiral spin-liquid phase.

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