Stephanny Villamizar-Delgado, Laura M. Porras-Osorio, Octavio Piñeros, Javier Ellena, Norman Balcazar, Ruben E. Varela-Miranda, Richard F. D'Vries,


Coordination compounds of Cu(ii), Ni(ii), Co(ii), and Zn(ii) with a type of biguanide were obtained and structurally characterized. The new metal-drugs present biological applications as potential drugs for diabetes and metabolic syndrome.



@article{Villamizar_Delgado_2020, doi = {10.1039/d0ra04059b}, url = {}, year = 2020, publisher = {Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})}, volume = {10}, number = {38}, pages = {22856--22863}, author = {Stephanny Villamizar-Delgado and Laura M. Porras-Osorio and Octavio Pi{\~{n}}eros and Javier Ellena and Norman Balcazar and Ruben E. Varela-Miranda and Richard F. D{\textquotesingle}Vries}, title = {Biguanide{\textendash}transition metals complexes as potential drug for hyperglycemia treatment}, journal = {{RSC} Advances} }