Confinement and Ghost Sector on the Lattice

Speaker: Nelson Lachini, IFSC

When/Where: 4:30 PM, August 27, 2019 (Room 210)

Abstract: In this work we study the Gribov-Zwanziger scenario of confinement through the lattice approach. We start by reviewing continuum aspects of quantized Yang-Mills theories, the Faddeev-Popov method and the Gribov problem. Then we do a survey on lattice gauge theory and describe the main procedures and algorithms necessary to study the confinement problem numerically. At this point, we make a digression and review general features of confinement, from the well-known phenomenological models to the Green functions and center dominance approaches. Finally, we present simulations of the ghost sector and the geometry of gauge space for SU(2) theory. This includes a prescription for the discretization of BPST instanton backgrounds and the verification of their lattice topological charges. Using relatively small lattices, we compute the relevant quantities on vortex-only and vortex-removed ensembles. Moreover, we are also able to present preliminary but novel results that numerically verify the localization of center vortices on the Gribov horizon and their probable consistency with massive-type solutions of the Dyson-Schwinger equations.