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Leonardo P. Maia

Assistant Professor

E-mail: lpmaia AT ifsc.usp.br

Instituto de Física de São Carlos IFSC
Universidade de São Paulo USP
Extension (ramal): 8725 (internal to the campus of São Carlos)
Room G-18, phone: +55 16 3373 8725

Research interests

My research interests have been focused on the theoretical modeling of evolutionary systems, from genes and microorganisms to human societies. However, I am also starting developing research on the applications of techniques from Statistical Physics in Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience.


Since 2008 - Assistant professor of Physics at IFSC-USP
2006 - 2008 - Assistant professor of Applied Mathematics at UFABC
2004 - 2006 - Teaching assistant (non-tenure-track position) of Mathematics at ICMC-USP
