With a principal goal to reach the general public with respect to science and technology, the team of CePOF organizes frequently science exhibitions in public places. During these exhibitions students, researchers and faculty members prepare didactic material to explain their research as well as prepare general demonstrations in optics. The companies that have started their businesses from the activities of the CePOF also participate in those exhibitions, showing their products and explaining the value of science for the generation of jobs and wealth for the whole society. The Shopping Center of the city of S. Carlos has hosted this exhibition since the beginning of our activities, and it is now considered as part of their calendar of activities for the public. During these exhibitions schools, families, students, senior citizens as well as kid under school age, all enjoy the scientific curiosities while leaning the importance of the research we are carrying out at the university in the field of optics. This year in special, we have organized the public exhibition in a open gardem. More than 4000 visitants could comtemplate the demonstrations and explanations.